Health & Safety Documentation

Your Health & Safety Is In Safe Hands

Health and Safety can be a time-consuming and complicated issue, and it is essential that companies have adequate Health and Safety policies and procedures in place, as required by law.

In a time when it is easy to make a claim against an employer on a ‘No Win No Fee’ basis by high street solicitors it is really important that directors and businesses protect themselves and their employees by having comprehensive Health and Safety policies and Procedures implemented.

Our HR specialists, combined with our technology, are available to help create all of the needed Health & Safety documents quickly and effectively, as well as help keep them up-to-date in order to meet any future demands.

Legal Documents in 3 easy steps


Quick create with our simple wizard


Preview and review document online


Download, email or print your document

"Clever Law have really helped me see light at the end of the tunnel.  I thought the only options available to me were either expensive or time-consuming. Their service has given me peace of mind, whilst keeping more money in my pocket!"
- David, Leeds
"Clever Law's service has provided me with the legal resources that I was so desperately looking for, whilst saving me £££ in legal fees. Their online tool is very easy to use and made the whole process of issuing documents quick and smooth."
- Sarah, London